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Ms. Kanikka Blakely
5412 Huntington Ave
Richmond, VA 23227
(804) 729-2577

Current Inspector: LaTasha Smith (804) 588-2362

Inspection Date: Sept. 9, 2021

Complaint Related: Yes

Areas Reviewed:
22VAC40-111 Administration
22VAC40-111 Personnel
22VAC40-111 Household Members
22VAC40-111 Physical Environment and Equipment
22VAC40-111 Care of Children
22VAC40-111 Medication Administration

Technical Assistance:
The provider is reminded that only designated caregivers may be left alone with any child in care and counted in the staff-to-child ratio.


An onsite complaint inspection was initiated on September 9, 2021 and concluded on December 20, 2021. Part of the inspection was conducted by licensing staff using an alternate remote protocol including telephone contacts and documents review.

A complaint was received by the department regarding allegations in the areas of supervision, behavioral guidance, smoking and prohibited substances, and firearms. On-site visits and interviews were conducted and documentation was reviewed.

There was no evidence gathered that substantiated the allegations of the complaint. Any violations not related to the complaint but identified during the course of the investigation can be found on the violation notice.

Please complete the ?plan of correction? and ?date to be corrected? for each violation cited on the violation notice and return it to me within 5 business days from today. Please specify how the deficient practice will be or has been corrected. Your plan of correction should contain: 1) steps to correct the noncompliance with the standard(s), 2) measures to prevent the noncompliance from occurring again; and 3) person(s) responsible for implementing each step and/or monitoring any preventative measures. Please do not use staff names; list staff by positions only.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-730-D
Complaint related: No
Description: Based on observation on September 9, 2021, the provider did not ensure medication, except for those prescriptions designated otherwise by a written physician's order, including refrigerated medication and medications for caregivers and household members, shall be kept in a locked place using a safe locking method that prevents access by children.
Evidence: There were two purses observed on top of laundry machines in the room between the kitchen and bathroom used and accessible by children. The provider stated she needed to use the restroom and when she returned it was observed the purses were no longer on top of the laundry machines. When asked about the purses the provider retrieved them from inside the dryer. Inside a purse was unlocked prescription medication.

Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-280
Complaint related: No
Description: Based on observation on September 9, 2021, the provider did not ensure potentially poisonous substances, materials and supplies such as, but not limited to, cleaning agents, disinfectants, deodorizers, plant care chemicals, pesticides, and petroleum distillates shall be stored away from food in areas inaccessible to children.
Evidence: Hand sanitizer was located underneath an unlocked cabinet in the bathroom used by children. The label on the hand sanitizer contained the language "keep out of reach of children," "warning" and "flammable."

Plan of Correction: Corrected on site.

Standard #: 8VAC20-800-570-A
Complaint related: No
Description: Based on observation on December 20, 2021, the provider failed to ensure that a caregiver does not exceed 16 points when determining if an additional caregiver is needed.
Evidence: 1. Upon arrival for the inspection there were 10 children observed in care, with one caregiver, totaling 25 points. The children in care included (1) four month old, (1) seven month old, (1) one year old, (1) sixteen month old, (3) two year old's, (1) three year old, (1) five year old, and (1) six year old.
2. The provider reported her assistant called out and so she had her mother come over to help. The provider's mother is not a caregiver.
3. The provider's mother reported she helps with the kids whenever someone calls out and denies ever being left alone with the children.
4. Upon leaving the inspection, the provider went outside, leaving the children in the care of her mother, while she spoke with the inspector outside at the car.

Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.

This information is provided by the Virginia Department of Social Services, which neither endorses any facility nor guarantees that the information is complete. It should not be used as the sole source in evaluating and/or selecting a facility.

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