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Montessori Kids Universe
3450-A Lauderdale Drive
Richmond, VA 23233
(804) 652-9773

Current Inspector: Tara Barton (804) 381-8487

Inspection Date: Oct. 1, 2020 , Oct. 5, 2020 , Oct. 7, 2020 and Oct. 8, 2020

Complaint Related: No

Areas Reviewed:

This inspection was conducted by licensing staff using an alternate remote protocol, necessary due to a state of emergency health pandemic declared by the Governor of Virginia.
A self reported monitoring inspection was initiated on 10/01/2020 with representatives from local agencies in response to a self reported incident regarding serious injury reporting that occurred on 9/29/2020. The director was contacted by telephone to initiate the investigation. Additional interviews were conducted on 10/05/2020, 10/07/2020, and 10/08/2020. Additional documentation was received on 1/05/2021,1/10/2021, and 2/4/2021. The inspector emailed the director a list of documentation required to complete the investigation.
The evidence gathered during the investigation determined non-compliances with licensing standards, and violations were documented on the violation notice issued to the facility. Please call me if you have any questions at 804-662-9766 or e-mail

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-40-E
Description: Based on interviews with staff and review of policies and procedures, the facility failed to follow the center's own policies and procedures related to action to take in case of ill or injured children that are required by these standards. Evidence: the center's policy states "All accidents must be reported immediately to the Head of School. Accident reports must be written immediately and signed by an administrator. In the event of a serious accident requiring immediate medical attention; follow your school policy in place; in accordance with state licensing requirements. A local medical facility must be designated, and parent informed immediately." On 9/29/2020, an 20 month old child fell out of his crib and hit his head and face. Management was not notified until 2 hours after the fall.

Plan of Correction: Steps to correct: Detailed staff training on incident procedures. Incident reports written correctly & immediately; signed by administrator. 911 called and parents informed immediately as appropriate. Measures to prevent from occurring again: Focused area staff meetings on incident procedures. Will cover staff incident report trainings and role play incident procedures. Added incident reporting, licensing standard review to new hire orientation.

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-340-A
Description: Based on review of a 17 second video, staff interviews, and review of documentation, the facility failed to ensure that when staff are supervising children, they always ensure their care, protection, and guidance. Evidence:
1. Video footage shows 20 month old Child 1 flipping forward and falling out of the crib on 9/29/2020 during rest time.
2. Staff 1 reportedly consoled Child 1 and he fell asleep. Staff 1 did not write an incident report or tell management about the head injury.
3. Staff 1 told Staff 2 about the head injury when she returned from break. Staff 2 assumed that an incident report was written and management was notified.
4. Staff 2 told Staff 3 about the head injury at the shift change at approximately 3:30 p.m. The director overheard this conversation and asked what had happened.
5. The director contacted the parent, who picked up the child and took him to the pediatrician. The pediatrician report stated the child had "hematoma on the right side of his scalp.
6. On October 1, 2020, the parent took the child back to the pediatrician. The pediatrician report stated there was ?severe bruising? and a ?goose egg on forehead and swollen/black right eye?.

Plan of Correction: Steps to correct: In depth training on care, protection, and guidance of children and incident procedures. Cribs removed from the toddler room immediately. Additional soft mats have been added to room to prevent injuries. Measures to prevent from occurring again: Better staff training and improvements to safety in the classroom. Will cover these procedures in great depth during March staff meeting. Staff members participate in regular webinars which include the following: safety standards, playground safety, outdoor classroom best practices, etc.

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-550-K
Description: Based on staff interviews, the facility failed to report a serious injury to a parent immediately.
1. On September 29, 2020, Child 1 (20 months old) flipped forward, fell out of his crib, and hit his head on the laminate floor. Staff 1 reportedly told Staff 2 about the fall when Staff 2 returned from break. Staff 1 stated she resumed kitchen duties, but did not report the head injury to management.
2. Staff 2 assumed that Staff 1 had reported the head injury to management. At the shift change at approximately 3:30 p.m., Staff 2 told Staff 3 about the head injury. At this time, the director overheard the conversation regarding the head injury and contacted the licensing inspector (LI). The LI advised the director to immediately contact the parent. The parent was not notified of the head injury until 3:30 p.m., approximately two hours after the head injury occurred.

Plan of Correction: Steps to correct: Better staff training on incident procedures. Parents are contacted immediately upon injury once safe. Measures to prevent from occurring again: Parents are notified immediately after all appropriate steps have been taken. Will cover these procedures in great depth during March staff meeting. Added role playing and going over licensing standards on our onboarding list.

This information is provided by the Virginia Department of Social Services, which neither endorses any facility nor guarantees that the information is complete. It should not be used as the sole source in evaluating and/or selecting a facility.

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