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Niko's Playworld
405 Lee Highlands Boulevard
Virginia beach, VA 23452
(757) 498-5437

Current Inspector: Arlene Agustin (804) 629-7519

Inspection Date: Sept. 21, 2023

Complaint Related: No

Areas Reviewed:
8VAC20-780 Staff Qualifications and Training.
8VAC20-780 Staffing and Supervision.
8VAC20-770 Background Checks (8VAC20-770)
20 Access to minor?s records
22.1 Background Checks Code,
3.2 Child Abuse & Neglect

A monitoring inspection was conducted on September 21, 2023 as a result of a self-report received in the licensing office on July 25, 2023. Interviews were conducted with staff, records and classroom videos were reviewed, and observations of the program were made relating to the self report of the care of children at the center. Information gathered during the inspection determined non-compliance with applicable standards or law and a violation was documented on the violation notice issued to the program. The violation was discussed at the exit interview with the center owner.

Standard #: 8VAC20-780-410-1
Description: Based on record review and interviews, it was determined that the center did not ensure that following actions of roughly handling a child are forbidden action.
1. Staff #1 was observed at the center to roughly handle Child #1 while in the classroom on July 24, 2023.
2. Video footage of the classroom was observed during the time of the incident on July 24, 2023, that Staff #1 grabbed Child #1 by the right arm and roughly place them down on the floor.
3. Staff director at the time of the incident, Staff #2, confirmed that the video was Staff #1 picking up Child #1 by the right arm and roughly handling the child. Staff #2 confirmed by other staff members during the interview investigation at the center that roughly handling a child was observed in the classroom.

Plan of Correction: The center responded with the following: Staff #1 was terminated on July 25, 2023, as a result of forbidden action of a child in the toddler classroom. During the next staff meeting, all staff members in the center were re-trained on how to redirect children and how to appropriately handle and carry children. Information about the licensing standards regarding forbidden action were also discussed during the meeting. The owner also put in a suggestion box which can be written anonymously should there be any concerns or information that administration needed to know about.

This information is provided by the Virginia Department of Social Services, which neither endorses any facility nor guarantees that the information is complete. It should not be used as the sole source in evaluating and/or selecting a facility.

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