Auxiliary Grants (AG)
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An AG is an income supplement for individuals who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and certain other aged, blind, or disabled individuals who reside in a licensed assisted living facility (ALF) or an approved adult foster care (AFC) home. An AG payment is issued to an individual monthly, to be used with a designated amount of their monthly income to pay an ALF or AFC a maximum monthly rate. This rate is determined by the Virginia General Assembly and is adjusted periodically. The AG Program is 80 percent state funded and 20 percent locally funded and is administered by the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services. It is only for individuals who reside in an ALF licensed by the Virginia Department of Social Services' Division of Licensing Programs or in an AFC home approved by their local department of social services. Not all ALFs accept AG payments.
AG EligibilityPrior to admission to an ALF, an individual must be assessed by an adult services social worker at their local department of social services or another qualified assessor. Qualified assessors are employees of local health departments, area agencies on aging, centers for independent living, and community services boards who have received training on conducting assessments. The individual applying for an AG, or the individual’s designated representative, should contact an assessor and request the assessment. AG applicants must complete an Application for Benefits (below) and submit it to an eligibility worker at the local department of social services in the city or county where the individual lived prior to entering an institution such as an ALF, hospital or nursing home. The eligibility worker will evaluate the individual’s financial eligibility for AG. The worker has 45 days to process the application. AG recipients also receive a personal needs allowance (PNA) for such items as clothing, medical co-payments, tobacco products, sodas, snacks, over-the-counter medications, dental care, eyeglasses, and activities or items an ALF or AFC provider is not required to provide. Manual
Resources & GuidanceForms
Contact UsTo determine eligibility for an AG or to obtain the current AG maximum rate, please contact the local department of social services in the city or county where the individual lives. An ALF interested in accepting individuals who have AG should contact:
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