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Child Welfare Advisory Committee (CWAC)

CWAC is the primary organization to advise the Director of the Division of Family Services on child welfare issues. It helps ensure that all child welfare activities are child-centered, family-focused and community-based. Child welfare programs include Adoption, Child Protective Services, Family Preservation, Foster Care, and Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC).

This group is the main stakeholder group for the Child and Family Services Review. Objectives include:

  • Advise on child welfare program, policy, training and practice issues
  • Advise on the development of the five-year Child and Family Services Plan and annual progress reports, as well as other state plans under the responsibility of Family Services
  • Guide development and implementation of Virginia's Program Improvement Plan for any element that Virginia does not meet requirements of the Child and Family Services Review

Future Meeting Dates

Meeting Minutes & Agendas






CWAC Subcommittees


Additional Resources

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(800) 828-1120, or 711
