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Percentage of Income Payment Program (PIPP)

What is PIPP?

The Percentage of Income Payment Program (PIPP) helps eligible, low-income Dominion Energy and Appalachian Power Company (APCo/AEP) households maintain their electric service by making utility bills more affordable. PIPP assists with making a customer’s monthly payments more affordable on a year-round basis.

A customer's monthly PIPP bill amount is based on a percentage of the household income and primary heat source.
Electric heat = 10% of income
Other heat source = 6% of income

Households must have an active Dominion Energy or Appalachian Power Company (APCo/AEP) electric account AND have an income at or below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines .

Please note that the PIPP is funded through the collection of a Universal Service Fee from all Dominion Energy and Appalachian Power Company (APCo/AEP) retail customers. PIPP is based on the availability of funds.

How does PIPP work?

If a customer has an outstanding balance with Dominion Energy or Appalachian Power Company (APCo/AEP), PIPP helps significantly lower the customer’s monthly bill. With each month the customer pays their portion of their bill in -full and on -time, 1/12 of the customer’s previous balance will be eliminated. After 12 consecutive months of in-full, on-time PIPP payments by the customer, the customer’s prior balance will be eliminated.

In addition, those who qualify for PIPP can be eligible for a free home energy audit. This can help the customer reduce energy usage, which means spending less on energy.

For additional information about PIPP for Dominion Energy customers, please review the Dominion Energy PIPP brochure and go to the Dominion Energy Assistance page at Energy Assistance | Virginia | Dominion Energy

For additional information about PIPP for Appalachian Power Company (APCo/AEP) customers, please go to the Appalachian Power Company (APCo/AEP) page at Payment Assistance (

  • Dominion Energy PIPP Brochure (PDF)
  • How long does enrollment in PIPP last?

    Once a household is enrolled in the PIPP program, the household is required to re-verify their income each year. The customer must also stay current on all PIPP payments. Failure to report changes in the household income or household members, missing a payment or only making a partial payment, or not reverifying income can result in being dropped from the program.

    Customer service staff at your electric provider, Dominion Energy or Appalachian Power Company (APCo/AEP), can discuss your account and any existing payment plans to help you determine if you should apply for PIPP.

    Where can I apply for PIPP?

    Customers of either Dominion Energy customers or Appalachian Power Company (APCo/AEP) should either:

    What additional documents are required to apply?

    • Proof of household income or any financial assistance for the past 30 days for all members of the household over age 18.
    • The household’s current electric bill.
    • Social Security numbers for all household members.
    • Any additional documentation required to determine eligibility for PIPP.


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