Chesterbrook Academy #807
6200 Interparcel Road
Alexandria, VA 22315
(703) 921-9600
Current Inspector: Eureka Nance (703) 638-5968
Inspection Date: Jan. 6, 2022 , Jan. 7, 2022 , Jan. 10, 2022 and Jan. 14, 2022
Complaint Related: No
- Areas Reviewed:
8VAC20-780 Physical plant.
8VAC20-780 Special care provisions and emergencies.
8VAC20-770 Background Checks (22VAC40-191)
63.2 Child Abuse & Neglect
- Comments:
This inspection was conducted by licensing staff using an alternate remote protocol, including telephone contacts, documents review, interviews, and a virtual tour of the program.
After receiving information from the center, this inspection was initiated on 01/06/2022 and concluded on 01/14/2022. The Director was contacted by telephone and a virtual inspection was conducted. There were 43 children present, ranging in ages from 3 months to 5 years, with 15 staff supervising. The Inspector reviewed compliance in the areas of administration, physical plant, staffing and supervision, programming, special care, and emergencies. A total of 1 child's record and 2 staff records were reviewed.
Information gathered during the inspection determined non-compliance with applicable standards or law and violations were documented on the violation notice issued to the program.
- Violations:
Standard #: 63.2-1509-A Description: Based on staff interviews and photographic evidence, it was determined that a person employed in a child day program who had reason to suspect that a child was an abused child, did not report the matter immediately to the local department of the county wherein the abuse is believed to have occurred or to the Department's toll-free child abuse and neglect hotline.
1 - On 12/31/2021 Staff A received email notification that while in care on 12/30/2021, Child 1 (age 2) obtained injuries to the left arm including a scratch that broke the skin and a dark mark next to the scratch. The email included two pictures of the child's injuries showing the broken skin and the dark mark. The email also included statements noting that the child indicated the marks were the result of a physical interaction with Staff B. As a mandated reporter, Staff A was required to immediately report this information to Child Protective Services.
2 - During interviews with Staff A, it was determined that they failed to report the incident of suspected child abuse to Child Protective Services.Plan of Correction: All staff were retrained on when and how to report child injuries and suspected abuse. [sic]
Staff A acknowledges need for checking email when school is closed. [sic]
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-40-E Description: Based on staff interviews and a review of administrative documents, it was determined that the center's activities were not maintained in compliance with the center's own policies and procedures that are required by these standards, and the terms of the current license issued by the department.
1 - The center has a written policy which defines that staff are mandated reporters and that "child abuse must be reported when one is a legally mandated reporter." The written policy further specifies that "reports must be made within 24 hours of incident or reasonable suspicion."
2 - On 12/31/2021 Staff A received email notification that Child 1 (age 2) was injured while in care on 12/30/2021. The email included pictures showing a scratch with broken skin and a dark mark next to the scratch on the child's left arm. The email also stated that the child indicated the marks were caused by Staff B.
3 - Upon receiving the email notification, Staff A did not follow the center's policies requiring them to report the information to Child Protective Services.
4 - The center's written behavioral guidance policy states that "children learn best when they are comfortable and safe....actions which disrupt or undermine this positive environment are prohibited." The policy further details examples of prohibited actions, including "any type of abuse of children."
5 - On 12/30/2021 Staff B did not follow the center's behavioral guidance policy when they grabbed Child 1 (age 2) by the left arm to move the child away from the sink after telling the child to quit playing with the water. Staff B scratched Child 1 (age 2) on the left arm leaving broken skin and a dark mark next to the scratch.
6 - Staff A and Staff B signed the center's acknowledgment form that these written policies were received and reviewed as part of their Licensing Orientation.Plan of Correction: All Staff was retrained on the following topics, using prerecorded videos from Spring Education Group, parent company of Chesterbrook Academy, Education Dept. Leader Lauren Starnes. [sic]
2. Transitions: Define transitions, discuss strategies for smooth transitions, discuss some quick tips for transitions, explore strategies to make transitions fun & engaging (recorded video training by Lauren Starnes, Spring Education Group) [sic]
3. Guiding Student Behavior: Build a shared understanding about behavior, Review developmentally appropriate behaviors, Review ways to support prosocial behaviors, Review what to do when challenging behaviors occur (recorded video training by Lauren Starnes, Spring Education Group) [sic]
4. Quality Interactions: Understand the importance of a strong foundation of quality interactions in the classroom, identify key indicators of positive teacher-child interactions, Model respectful conversation & social interactions with children, Model positive nonverbal communication, explore how to manage conflict in the classroom (recorded video training by Lauren Starnes, Spring Education Group) [sic]
5. Proper Lifting of Children, Review Forbidden Actions, Bathroom Supervision, Proper documentation of Incidents & Accidents [sic]
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-340-A Description: Based on staff interviews and photographic evidence, it was determined that when staff were supervising children they did not always ensure their care, protection, and guidance.
1 - On 12/30/2021 Staff B grabbed Child 1 (age 2) by the left arm after telling the child to stop making a mess at the sink. When the child did not stop playing in the water, Staff B attempted to move the child away from the sink by grabbing the child's left arm. In doing so, Staff B left a scratch on the child's left arm that broke the skin and also left a dark mark next to the scratch.
2 - During interviews with Staff C it was determined that after being grabbed, Child 1 (age 2) was observed crying.Plan of Correction: All staff have completed re-training and training has been added on our On Boarding Training for new staff members. Training includes Forbidden Actions along with Positive Behavior Guidance & Support Guidance. [sic]
Staff B was let go from the centers employment.[sic]
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-400-B Description: Based on staff interviews, it was determined that behavioral guidance was not constructive in nature, was not age and stage appropriate, and was not intended to redirect children to appropriate behavior.
On 12/30/2021 Staff B grabbed the left arm of Child 1 (age 2) after the child did not stop playing in the water at the sink. In grabbing the child by the arm, Staff B left a scratch mark that broke the skin and a dark mark next to the scratch.Plan of Correction: All staff have completed re-training and training has been added on our On Boarding Training for new staff members. Training includes Quality Interactions with
students; positive teacher-child interactions, Model respectful conversation & social interactions with children, Model positive nonverbal communication, explore how to manage conflict in the classroom. [sic]
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-410-1 Description: Based on staff interviews and photographic evidence, it was determined that one staff person engaged in the forbidden action of roughly handling a child as punishment.
1 - On 12/30/2021 Child 1 (age 2) received injuries to the left arm while in care. Pictures of the injuries show a scratch that broke the skin and a dark mark next to the scratch. Both injuries were caused when Staff B grabbed the child by the arm.
2 - During interviews, Staff B acknowledged that these marks were caused when they "grabbed the child by the wrist with one hand" and "probably because they have very long fingernails." Staff B also acknowledged that this incident took place because the child had made a mess while playing in the water at the sink and did not stop when told to do so.
3 - During interviews with Staff C, it was further determined that Child 1 (age 2) was observed crying after receiving the injuries.Plan of Correction: All staff have completed re-training and training has been added to our On Boarding Training for new staff to cover Proper Supervision of students and Transition techniques to prevent behavior problems. [sic]
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-550-P Description: Based on staff interviews, it was determined the center did not maintain written record of a child's serious or minor injuries in which entries were made the day of occurrence.
On 12/30/2021 Child 1 (age 2) was injured while in care at the center. On this day, the child received a scratch on the left arm which broke the skin, and a dark mark next to the scratch caused from being grabbed by the arm. These injuries were reported to Staff A on 12/31/2021 but written record of the injuries was not completed or maintained.Plan of Correction: All staff retrained on timing and reporting of incident and accident and observation reports. [sic]
A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.
The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.