Early Steps Bilingual Preschool
5407 Backlick Road
Springfield, VA 22151
(703) 405-2607
Current Inspector: Sarah Marbert (703) 479-4678
Inspection Date: Oct. 21, 2022
Complaint Related: Yes
- Areas Reviewed:
8VAC20-780 Administration.
8VAC20-780 Staff Qualifications and Training.
8VAC20-780 Physical Plant.
8VAC20-780 Staffing and Supervision.
8VAC20-780 Programs.
8VAC20-780 Special Care Provisions and Emergencies
8VAC20-780 Special Services
8VAC20-770 Background Checks (8VAC20-770)
22.1 Background Checks Code, Carbon Monoxide
63.2 Child Abuse & Neglect
- Technical Assistance:
Discussed with Director:
Provider portal for CPS checks, new orientation form, training log, emergency drill log
- Comments:
An in person investigation was begun in response to an allegation being received in our office. Based on multiple interviews, the preponderance of evidence supports the allegation of behavior modification not constructive in nature and the use of forbidden actions. The complaint is valid.
Additional standards were reviewed in order to consider this visit a mandated inspections.
During today's visit, children were observed on the playground, eating lunch and resting quietly.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (703) 479-4678 or at Sarah.Marbert@doe.virginia.gov
LI was present today from 11:30 AM- 2:00PM.
- Violations:
Standard #: 22.1-289.035-B-2 Complaint related: No Description: Based on a review of records, 1 staff record does not contain documentation of a completed nationwide fingerprint search, prior to employment.
1 of 2 staff files reviewed did not contain an acceptable result from a nationwide fingerprint search prior to employment. A search was done; however, not for this Limited Liability Corporation (LLC). These results are not transferrable. (Staff B- Date of Hire (DOH): 10/3/22)Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 22.1-289.035-B-4 Complaint related: No Description: Based on a review of records, 1 staff record does not contain documentation of a completed Child Abuse and Neglect Search result for a residence outside of the state of Virginia in the past 5 years.
1 staff person who has resided outside of Virginia in the past 5 years, did not have a completed Child Abuse and Neglect search result on file within 45 days of employment for that residence. (Staff A ? DOH:9/9/22)Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 8VAC20-770-60-B Complaint related: No Description: Based on a review of records, 1 staff record did not contain accurate information documented on the Sworn Disclosure Statement (SDS).
1 of 2 staff records reviewed, had an SDS on file that did not accurately reflect any residences outside of Virginia in the past 5 years. (Staff A)Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 8VAC20-770-60-C-2 Complaint related: No Description: Based on a review of records, 1 staff record did not contain documentation of a completed Central Registry Search (CRS) for Virginia within 30 days of employment.
1 of 2 staff records reviewed had no CRS result on file, past 30 days of employment. (Staff A- DOH 9/9/22)Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-160-A Complaint related: No Description: Based on a review of records, staff records did not contain documentation of a negative TB screening result provided at employment, and completed within the last 30 days.
2 of 2 records reviewed did not contain documentation in the allowable time frame for the TB screening results.
*Results are dated 10/10/22. After employment date of 9/9/22 (Staff A)
*Results are dated 11/27/21, more than 30 days prior to employment date of 10/3/22. (Staff B)Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-60-A Complaint related: No Description: Based on a review of records, one child record does not contain all required components.
1 child record was reviewed. Missing information includes:
*Complete addresses for emergency contacts. (Child 1)Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-80-A Complaint related: No Description: Based on observation, written attendance was not kept for each group of children.
2 of 5 room?s attendance sheets were not accurate at the time of inspection.
The Ants attendance was not completed. The Elephants attendance sheet reflected 12 children; however, there were 17 children present.Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-240-C Complaint related: No Description: Documentation of orientation available for review does not include all required components/policies.
2 of 2 staff records reviewed did not contain documentation of orientation training on all required policies and procedures that went into effect 1/13/22. Missing information includes: *Policy for prevention of Abusive Head Trauma.
*Prevention of and response to emergencies due to food allergies and other allergic reactions
*Prevention and Control of Disease.
The form available for review is outdated (Staff A, B)Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-400-B Complaint related: Yes Description: Based on multiple interviews, it was determined that behavior guidance was not constructive in nature and intended to redirect children.
A staff person did not attempt to redirect a child that was uncooperative during snack regarding eating their snack and following directions.
The staff attempted to physically remove the child from the area without attempting to redirect the child?s behavior and resolving the conflict, escalating the situation. (Staff B)Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-410-1 Complaint related: Yes Description: Based on multiple interviews, it was determined that a staff member used a forbidden action when dealing with a child?s behavior issue.
Staff B roughly handled a child when she attempted to pick up the child from the snack table by lifting them under the arms and around their chest. The child wrapped their legs around the leg of the table and held on to the edge of the table resisting being moved. The staff person pulled on the child attempting to remove the child from the table.Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-410-6 Complaint related: Yes Description: Based on multiple interviews, it was determined that a staff member used a forbidden action when dealing with a child.
Staff B used verbal remarks that were demeaning to a child. The staff person told the child to ?stop acting like a baby? when the child was upset and crying.Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.
The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.