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Boys&Girls Club of Harrisonburg andRockinghamCounty-Stone Spring
1575 Peach Grove Avenue
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
(540) 421-3221

Current Inspector: Beth Orebaugh (540) 847-9173

Inspection Date: April 2, 2021 and April 7, 2021

Complaint Related: No

Areas Reviewed:
22VAC40-191 Background Checks (22VAC40-191)
63.2(17) License & Registration Procedures
63.2 Facilities & Programs.

This inspection was conducted by licensing staff using an alternate remote protocol, necessary due to a state of emergency health pandemic declared by the Governor of Virginia.

A renewal inspection was initiated on April 2, 2021 and concluded on April 7, 2021. The program director was contacted by video call to initiate the virtual inspection. This program has remained closed since March 2020. The inspector emailed the program director a list of items required to complete the inspection. The inspector reviewed two staff records submitted by the facility to ensure documentation was complete.

Information gathered during the inspection determined there were non-compliances with applicable standards or law and violations were documented on the violation notice issued to the facility.

The Licensing Inspector has reviewed with the provider COVID-19 Essential Guidance for Child Care programs.

Standard #: 22VAC40-191-40-D-1-A
Description: Based on a review of background checks for board officers, and interviews with administrative staff, the program failed to obtain all required information before the end of the thirtieth day after new board officers started in their positions. Evidence: BE 1 started as a board officer on January 23, 2020 and the sworn statement or affirmation was not completed until March 14, 2021. BE 2 and BE 3 began as board officers on January 27, 2021 and there were not any completed sworn statements in the files. In addition, there was not any documentation of requests for and any findings from searches of the Virginia central child abuse registry in the files for BE 1, BE 2 and BE 3.

Plan of Correction: The sworn statement was completed by BE 2 on 4/7/21 and shared with the licensing inspector on April 13, 2021. The administrative staff has requested and will obtain the completed sworn statement for BE 3. The Virginia central registry finding was received by the agency on April 7, 2021 and shared with the licensing inspector. A copy of the request form and documented mail date as April 13 for the Virginia central registry for BE 2 was shared with the licensing inspector on April 13 and 14, 2021. Arrangements will be made for BE 3 to complete the central registry request form and this will be shared with the licensing inspector. The assigned administrative staff will view the sworn statements and background checks when they are received and before they are filed. The findings for BE 2 and 3 will be shared with the licensing inspector when they are received.

Standard #: 63.2(17)-1721.1-A
Description: Based on a review of background checks for all business entity representatives, and interviews with administrative staff, the program failed to update any needed background check information before five years from the date of the last record. Evidence: The sworn statement or affirmation completed by BE 4 on April 22, 2015 was not updated until March 22, 2021. Administrative staff verified that there was not an updated sworn statement for the agency records obtained before April 22, 2020.

Plan of Correction: The administrative staff will have a system for tracking the dates of all background check information so the sworn statements can be updated before five years from the date of the most recent record.

Standard #: 63.2(17)-1721.1-B-4
Description: Based on a review of background check records for representatives of the business entity, and interviews with administrative staff, the program failed to obtain all required background checks by the end of the thirtieth day for all new board officers. Evidence: BE 1 began in a position as a board officer on January 23, 2020 and there was not a copy of the results of a criminal history stating eligibility in the agency's records. Administrative staff did not have verification of a fingerprint appointment for the criminal history process. BE 2 and BE 3 started in board officer positions on January 27, 2021 and the records did not include the results of a criminal history check finding. Administrative staff indicated they did not have verification that fingerprint appointments have been made by these business entity representatives.

Plan of Correction: Administrative staff have contacted the three board officers with instructions for making fingerprint appointments using a fieldprint location. Administrative staff will provide the licensing inspector with documentation of proof of fieldprint appointments. The criminal history findings will be viewed by administrative staff when received and printed for the agency records. Also, copies of the criminal history findings will be sent to the licensing inspector when received for the three board officers. In the future, the agency staff will share information and instructions for obtaining the required background checks during orientation for new board officers. The required background checks will be obtained no later than thirty days.


A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.

The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.

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