Everbrook Academy
201 12th Street South
Suite 102
Arlington, VA 22202
(571) 344-3589
Current Inspector: Whitney Mcgrath (571) 835-4717
Inspection Date: Jan. 17, 2024
Complaint Related: No
- Areas Reviewed:
8VAC20-780 Administration
8VAC20-780 Staff Qualifications and Training
8VAC20-780 Physical Plant
8VAC20-780 Staffing and Supervision
8VAC20-780 Programs
8VAC20-780 Special Care Provisions and Emergencies
8VAC20-780 Special Services
8VAC20-820 The License
8VAC20-820 The License Process
8VAC20-820 Sanctions
8VAC20-820 Hearings and Procedures
8VAC20-770 Background Checks (22VAC40-191)
20 Access to minor?s records
22.1 Early Childhood care and Education
32.1 Report by Person other than physician
63.2 Child Abuse & Neglect
- Comments:
An unannounced renewal inspection was conducted today from approximately 11:50am-1:25pm. There were 71 children in the direct care and supervision of 15 staff. A sample of 7 children?s records, and 7 staff records were reviewed. The children were observed napping, eating, and engaged with staff. Three new staff have been hired since the last inspection. Areas of non-compliance are identified in this report. The exit interview was conducted with the administration. If you have any questions, contact Kimberly.Sawyer@doe.virginia.gov.
- Violations:
Standard #: 22.1-289.035-B-4 Description: Based on record review, the central registry search results were not received before 30 days of employment.
Staff A was hired 10/26/2023 and the central registry results were not received until 12/08/2023Plan of Correction: Central Registry was resubmitted due to missing info. Will ensure forms are complete before sending.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-280-B Description: Based on record review, hazardous substances were not kept in a locked place.
Cleaning supplies were located in the kitchen area on a shelf.Plan of Correction: Kitchen is locked when cook is not present.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-500-A Description: Based on observation, hands weren't washed at the appropriate times.
1) A child located in the 2's room, did not wash their hands after diapering procedures.
2) A Staff member located in the 2's room, did not wash their hands after diapering procedures.Plan of Correction: Retrained all staff at next staff meeting. Retrained classroom staff immediately.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-510-L Description: Based on observation, medication was not kept in a locked place.
Medication was found in an unlocked container located in a backpack in the "2's room".Plan of Correction: Inspect monthly to ensure lock isn't stuck.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-540-E Description: Based on observation, nonmedical emergency supplies were not available.
The battery operated radio on site was inoperable.Plan of Correction: New radio was ordered. Will inspect monthly to ensure it is working.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-550-E Description: Based on record review, shelter-in-place procedures were not practiced a minimum of twice per year.
Shelter-in-place procedures were not practiced in 2023.Plan of Correction: Drills were conducted and noted as L for lockdown. Will note them as SIP in addition to L moving forward.
Standard #: 8VAC20-780-550-P Description: Based on record review, minor injury logs were missing required information.
Of 3 minor injury logs reviewed 1 was missing the time, date and method that the parent was notified of the incident.Plan of Correction: Manager that signs form will ensure completion.
A compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility.
The online compliance history includes only information after July 1, 2003. In addition, the online compliance history includes information regarding adverse actions that may be the subject of a pending appeal. An adverse action is not final until a provider has exhausted or waived all due process rights. For compliance history prior to July 1, 2003, or information regarding the status of pending adverse actions, please contact the Licensing Inspector listed in the facility's information. The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is not responsible for any errors in or omissions from the compliance history information.