StepStone Family & Youth Services
207 West Main Street
Suite B-6
Christiansburg, VA 24073
(540) 394-7110
Current Inspector: Jamie Morgan (276) 525-5656
Inspection Date: March 4, 2020
Complaint Related: No
- Areas Reviewed:
22VAC40-191 Background Checks for Child Welfare Agencies
- Comments:
An unannounced renewal inspection was conducted on March 04, 2020 from 9:35 AM - 2:50 PM. The agency reports a total of nine (9) approved provider homes and 15 foster children in placement. One provider home record, two foster child records, four personnel records, and records for three Board Officers were reviewed as part of this inspection. Two personnel interviews were conducted.
An exit interview was conducted with the Program Manager and Team Lead at the conclusion of the inspection. Preliminary inspection findings were reviewed. An acknowledgement form was signed.
There were two violations. Upon the receipt of the violation notice, the licensee should identify the necessary corrective action and develop a plan of correction for each violation. The plan of correction should include the following: The steps to correct noncompliance with the standard(s); measures to prevent re-occurrence of noncompliance; person(s) responsible for implementation and monitoring of preventative measure(s); and date by which noncompliance will be corrected.
The licensee has five (5) calendar days from receipt of the inspection documentation to complete the section titled Plan of Correction, sign each page of the documentation and return it to the Licensing Office. The licensee should retain a copy to be posted at the facility. Results of the inspection documentation are subject to public disclosure and will be posted on the VDSS web site within 5 days, regardless of whether the Plan of Correction is completed.
- Violations:
Standard #: 22VAC40-131-180-J Description: Violation:
Based on review of a provider home record (PH) and interview with personnel (S), the agency failed to document three assessments required by 22VAC40-131-180.J.2.e.
1. The narrative section of the home study for PH1 did not document an assessment that the applicants understand they are prohibited from using any form of corporal punishment on the child and giving permission to others to use any form of corporal punishment on the child, are able to articulate a reasonable process for managing emergencies and ensuring the adequate care, safety, and protection of children, and have in-force liability insurance.
2. During an interview, S1 and S2 acknowledged that the assessment of 22VAC40-131-180.J.2.e.4, 5, and 10 was not documented in the written narrative component of the homestudy for PH1.Plan of Correction: We have revised the Home Study Narrative to include documentation of all 10 assessments that are required by @@VAC40-131-180.J.2.e.
Standard #: 22VAC40-131-240-B Description: Violation:
Based on a review of the record for a provider home (PH) and interview with personnel (S), the licensee failed to complete a written justification when exceeding the capacity of two children placed in PH1.
1. The record of PH1 contained a home study addendum and an amended certificate of approval dated 01/31/2020 which increased the foster home capacity to more than two children.
2. During an interview, S1 and S2 stated the increased capacity was to accommodate the placement of more than two children in PH1.
3. S1 and S2 acknowledged that a written justification to place more than two children was not completed.Plan of Correction: Program Manager, Team Lead, and compliance staff will audit all new charts to ensure that all documentation and forms are completed in the chart in a timely manner. The use of the database system, extended reach, will also assist in tracking forms/documentation in all chart.
This information is provided by the Virginia Department of Social Services, which neither endorses any facility nor guarantees that the information is complete. It should not be used as the sole source in evaluating and/or selecting a facility.
This information is provided by the Virginia Department of Social Services, which neither endorses any facility nor guarantees that the information is complete. It should not be used as the sole source in evaluating and/or selecting a facility.