StepStone Family & Youth Services operated by Braley & Thompson
2701 Emerywood Parkway
Suite 102
Richmond, VA 23228
(804) 756-3561
Current Inspector: Dawn Espelage (540) 759-8852
Inspection Date: Nov. 30, 2021
Complaint Related: No
- Areas Reviewed:
22VAC40-191 Background Checks for Child Welfare Agencies
- Comments:
An onsite monitoring inspection was initiated on 11/30/2021 and concluded on 12/1/2021. The Licensing Inspector and the Licensing Administrator for the Child Welfare Unit made an onsite visit to the Richmond, Virginia location. The inspector discussed the Covid-19 protocol with Case Manager present prior to proceeding with the inspection. After the protocol was cleared, the Case Manager contacted the State Trainer and the Associate Director for the Richmond location to initiate the inspection. The inspector conducted an entrance conference regarding the items required to complete inspection and requested documentation for the review portion of the inspection. The Associate Director reported a current census of eight (8) foster children in care and Thirteen (13) provider homes. The inspector reviewed Two (2) foster home provider records, one (1) foster home background check only, and one (1) foster children record, and (2) staff records. An exit interview was conducted with the State Trainer and Associate Director on the date of the inspection, where findings were reviewed and an opportunity was given for questions, as well as for providing any information or documentation which was not available during the inspection. Six (6) violations of the Standards for Licensed Child Placing Agencies was cited. The Associate Director was available at the exit interview to answer questions.
See the violation notice on the Department?s public web site for violations of the Standards. Upon receipt of the Violation Notice, the licensee should develop a plan of correction to include the steps to correct non-compliance with the standard(s); measures to prevent re-occurrence of
Non-compliance; person(s) responsible for implementation and monitoring of preventative measure(s); and date by which noncompliance will be corrected. The licensee has five business days from receipt of the inspection documents to complete the section entitled "Plan of Correction", sign each page of the inspection documents and return to the Licensing Office. The licensee should retain a copy to be posted at the facility.
Results of the inspection are subject to public disclosure and will be posted on the Virginia Department of Social Services public web site within five business days, regardless of whether or not the Plan of Correction is completed.
- Violations:
Standard #: 22VAC40-131-180-J Description: Violation: 22VAC40-131-180.J.2.f
Based on review of the home study, the licensee failed to ensure that the home complies with standards for the home as required by 22VAC40-131-190.
22VAC40-131-190.P requires that approved providers shall arrange for responsible adults to be available to serve in the caretaker?s role in case of emergencies.
The child care plan dated 2/20/2021 for Foster Home (FH#1) did not ensure a substitute caretaker was listed to serve in a caretaker?s role in case of emergencies as required. The child care plan for foster home (FH1) indicated that the approved provider would serve as caretaker in the case of emergency.Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 22VAC40-131-250-G Description: Violation: 22VAC40-131-(6)-250-G
Based on a review of the child record dated
9/13/2021 for Foster Child (FC#1), the licensee
failed to document the required elements with
the standards required by 22VAC40-131-250G.1, 2, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3e, 3f, 3g, 3h, 3i, and 3j.
There was no information for Foster Child
(FC#1) documenting the following: The reason
the placement was requested, a list of services
requested, current health information, behavior
in the home or previous living situation, current
school grade level, adjustment to school,
current medication, emotional and
psychological needs and problems of the child,
strengths, skills, and talents, permanency plan
goal, and emergency contact supports.Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 22VAC40-131-260-A Description: Violation: 22VAC40-131-(6)-260-A
Based on a review of the child record
for Foster Child (FC#1), and interview with Associate Director, the licensee
failed to ensure that a social history was
completed with 45 day of the child?s placement.
FC1 was placed with the licensee on 9/13/2021.
The Licensee did not complete a social history
for Foster Child #1(FC#1) residing in care.
During the exit interview with the Associate
Director, it was acknowledged that the social
history was out of compliance.Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 22VAC40-131-290-A-1 Description: Violation: 22VAC40-131-(6)-290-A-1
Based on a review of the medical examination
completed for Foster child (FC) FC1, the
licensee failed to ensure that a medical
examination was conducted by a licensed
physician 60 days following an emergency
The Licensee failed to document a
written medication examination report for (FC#1)Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 22VAC40-131-290-E-1 Description: Violation:
Based on a review of the dental examination completed for Foster child (FC) FC1, the licensee failed to ensure that a dental examination was conducted 60 days following the date of placement.
FH1 was approved by the licensee on 9/13/2021. The Licensee failed to document a written dental examination report.Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
Standard #: 22VAC40-191-50-A-1-a Description: 22VAC40-191-(BC)-50-A-1-a
Based on a review of the sworn statements
provided for Foster Home (FH) FH1, Individual
#1 and Foster Home (FH) FH2, Individual #2,
the licensee failed to require individuals, for whom background checks are required, to fully complete the sworn statement.
Individual #1 is an adult household members of FH1.
Individual #1 sworn statement dated
4/22/2021 did not contain an answer to form
question #5.
Individual #2 is an adult household member of FH2. Individual #2 sworn
statement dated 6/19/2021 did not contain an
answer to form question #5.Plan of Correction: Not available online. Contact Inspector for more information.
This information is provided by the Virginia Department of Social Services, which neither endorses any facility nor guarantees that the information is complete. It should not be used as the sole source in evaluating and/or selecting a facility.
This information is provided by the Virginia Department of Social Services, which neither endorses any facility nor guarantees that the information is complete. It should not be used as the sole source in evaluating and/or selecting a facility.