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Driver's License Suspensions and Child Support Enforcement
Payment agreement that you sign to lift the drivers license suspension The first payment you need to make as part of that agreement
The first payment agreement you sign Either $600 or 5% of your total debt for that child support case, whichever is less
The second payment agreement you sign Either $1,200 or 7% of your total debt for that child support case, whichever is less
The third and any later payment agreements you sign Either $1,800 or 10% of your total debt for that child support case, whichever is less

The Division can also petition the court to request suspension of:

  • Business licenses, certificates, or registrations
  • Professional or occupation licenses (Barbers, Plumbers, Medical Professionals)
  • Recreational Licenses (hunting, fishing)

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(deaf or hard-of-hearing):

(800) 828-1120, or 711
