Domestic violence prevention programs are federal- and state-funded public or private, non-profit agencies that provide services to survivors of domestic violence and their children. Local domestic violence programs provide for the safety of battered adults and their children through the provision of emergency housing and transportation, crisis intervention, peer counseling, support, advocacy and information and referral. Funding also supports public awareness initiatives and the statewide Family Violence and sexual assault hotline.
At the state level, the functions of the Domestic Violence Prevention Program are to:
- Allocate funding to local domestic agencies
- Promote interagency cooperation for service delivery, technical assistance and data collection
- Promote provision of domestic violence services in unserved and underserved localities
- Promote public awareness of domestic violence, its prevention and services to survivors
- Maintain and disseminate statistical and program information
- Provide information to the legislature and other interested parties
- Provide technical assistance to local domestic violence agencies
The Domestic Violence Program within the Virginia Department of Social Services identifies, mobilizes and monitors resources for victims of domestic violence. Over 20,000 women and their children are served annually.
The VDSS Child and Family Services Manual (PDF) provides guidance for Family Services programs including Prevention, Child Protective Services, Foster Care and Adoption. This manual addresses Domestic Violence and provides information common to all program areas in Family Services.