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Licensed Child Placing Agencies

Licensed CPA place children in foster or adoptive homes or make independent living arrangements.

Regulations & Code References

New Applicants to Become a Licensed CPA

Becoming Licensed

Application Forms

If you wish to pursue licensure of a child-placing agency, please call the phone number for licensing information listed on our help contacts page.

Virginia Enterprise Licensing Application (VELA) Quick Reference Guides

Currently Licensed CPA Providers (includes forms)


Documents & Procedures


License Renewal
All Other

Additional Resources

Certification to Provide Treatment Foster Care Case Management Services

Agencies that are interested in applying for certification to provide Treatment Foster Care Case Management Services eligible for reimbursement through Medicaid must be a licensed CPA or a local department of social services. Agencies applying for an initial license should include this information in the application packet. Local departments of social service should submit a letter to Child Welfare Unit Administrator, Virginia Department of Social Services, 1604 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 130, Richmond, VA 23229-5008 requesting certification as a treatment foster care provider. Program statement and model forms compliant with the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) treatment foster care regulation should be submitted with the application letter.

The DMAS provider participation requirements apply to agencies certified to provide Medicaid reimbursed treatment foster care case management services. For further information, call DMAS at (800) 552-8627.

Background Investigations

Licensed CPA Employees

Documents & Procedures

Foster & Adoptive Homes

About these Investigations

The Code of Virginia requires background investigations as outlined below:

§63.2-901.1 - Criminal history and central registry check for placement of children:

Each local board and private licensed child-placing agency shall conduct background investigations (of any individual with whom the local board or licensed child-placing agency is considering placing a child on an emergency, temporary or permanent basis, including the birth parent of a child in foster care placement, unless the birth parent has revoked an entrustment agreement pursuant to §63.2-1223 or §63.2-1817 or a local board or birth parent revokes a placement agreement while legal custody remains with the parent, parents, or guardians pursuant to §63.2-900. The local board or licensed child-placing agency shall also obtain such background checks on all adult household members residing in the home of the individual with whom the child is to be placed.

Background Investigations must be conducted on the following individuals:

  • Adoptive parents
  • Adult household member
  • Birth Parents
  • Foster parents
  • Relative Placements (kinship foster care)

Documents & Procedures
Challenging Criminal Background Results
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(deaf or hard-of-hearing):

(800) 828-1120, or 711
